This recipe allows you to slice a large Mini list into subpages.
We are going to add:
- a new mini markup
which will slice the list into subpages; - a new link markup
to print the 1 2 3...# links
See first the usage examples, and below, how to install the new functions.
The page T.T contains 56 thumbnails. Here we display 6 of them at a time.
Below, we have the 1 2 3...10 links (click on them).
Mini_Slice:T.T/6,* SubPagesMini:10 |
or, alternatively:
PaginateMini:10 |
About the Mini_Slice:
markup. You can have :
displays 20 thumbnails of allMini_Slice:10,*.jpg
displays 10 thumbnails of all JPEGsMini_Slice:OtherPage/7,*
displays 7 thumbnails attached to OtherPage (see the example).
list is exactly like in the Mini: markup, only preceded by a number indicating how many thumbs should appear at once. You can have*,-1.jpg
for example.
About the SubPagesMini:
markup. Just add the number of subpages.
You could have, for example:
Go to gallery subpage: SubPagesMini:10 |
You could also use Mini1_Slice
for an advanced mini set, as well as lowercase "m" in mini_Slice
to disable links. (Just like with the regular Mini and with the random sets.)
- Note that the recipe probably works best with one single "Mini_Slice:" markup in the wiki page.
- Note that the recipe will not work with full gallery caching enabled.
Add to config.php the Mini_Slice:
definition (required):
function uMini_Slice($a){ # slice a mini list into subpages global $Mini; SDVA($Mini, array('uPerPage'=>20)); foreach($a as $k=>$v)break; $cnt=is_numeric($v)?array_shift($a):$Mini['uPerPage']; $mp = intval(@$_GET['mp']); if($mp<=0)$mp=1; $mp--; $b = array_slice($a, $cnt*$mp, $cnt); $c=array();foreach($b as $v)$c[$v]=$v;return $c; }
Add to config.php SubPagesMini:
definition (if you use it):
$LinkFunctions['SubPagesMini'] = 'SubPagesMini'; function SubPagesMini($pagename,$imap,$path) { $mp = intval(@$_GET['mp']); if($mp<=0)$mp=1; $path = intval(preg_replace('/[^\\d]+/', '', $path)); $out = ''; for($i=1; $i<=$path; $i++){ if($i==$mp) $out .= " $i"; else $out .= " ". LinkPage($pagename,'<:page>',"$pagename?mp=$i",'',$i); } return $out; }
Add to config.php PaginateMini:
definition (if you use it):
$PaginateFmt['PaginateMini'] = array( 'start' => '<<', 'end' => '>>', 'prev' => '<', 'next' => '>', 'count' => 5, 'urlparm'=> 'mp', ); $LinkFunctions['PaginateMini'] = 'Paginate'; function Paginate($pagename,$imap,$path,$alt,$txt,$fmt=NULL) { global $PaginateFmt; $My = (array)@$PaginateFmt[$imap]; $mp = intval(@$_GET[ $My['urlparm'] ]); if($mp<=0) $mp=1; $path = intval(preg_replace('/[^\\d]+/', '', $path)); $out = array(); if(isset($My['start'])) $out[] = PaginateLink($pagename, $My['start'], 1, $mp); if(isset($My['prev'])) $out[] = PaginateLink($pagename, $My['prev'], max(1, $mp-1), $mp); if(@$My['count']>0) { $start1 = max(1, $mp-floor($My['count']/2)); $start2 = max(1, $path-$My['count']+1); $start = min($start1, $start2); $end = min($path, $start+$My['count']-1); } else {$start = 1; $end = $path;} if($start>1) $out[] = '...'; for($i=$start; $i<=$end; $i++) $out[] = PaginateLink($pagename, $i, $i, $mp); if($end<$path) $out[] = '...'; if(isset($My['next'])) $out[] = PaginateLink($pagename, $My['next'], min($path, $mp+1), $mp); if(isset($My['end'])) $out[] = PaginateLink($pagename, $My['end'], $path, $mp); return "<span class='subpagelinks'>". implode(' ', $out). "</span>"; } function PaginateLink($pagename, $text, $i, $mp){ if(!is_numeric($i) || $i==$mp) return $text; return LinkPage($pagename,'<:page>', "$pagename?mp=$i",'',$text); }
For the PaginateMini:
links, you can set what you want to be displayed:
'start' => 'first', 'end' => 'last', 'prev' => 'previous', 'next' => 'next', 'count' => 3,
and you can remove 'start', 'end', 'prev' and/or 'next' if you do not need them, and you can set 'count' to the number of links to appear at once (or 0 to display links to all subpages).
Enjoy. --Petko 2009-10-01 00:30