WHIZZYWING is a lightweight (7k gzipped) WYSIWYG rich text editor in JavaScript. It replaces elements such as textareas with a contenteditable (as per HTML5) div with a tailorable formatting toolbar. It returns sane HTML into the replaced element. It works in modern desktop browsers - including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chromium - with contenteditable support and Internet Explorer from IE6 onwards. KNOWN ISSUES: Full screen option not available in IE6. TODO: ajax save, form helper CHANGES: YYMMDD 110804 added
; _.pop def window width, height -50; _wz.foc in xC; no align att;
110809 Try foc, whereAmI, in _; Moved docReady() content into _.go();(b) ib,btn >_;
110817 x mark(can't clear) +big; drop() replaces select/op; underline replaces del;
110818 fixed stylewithcss fail; no _wz, everything in _; ∇ tbl+nbsp;
110820 margin fix for dr>blockquote;
110822 fixed blockquote in IE; trying to fix dropdown for IE6 using "zoom:1;*display:inline"; document>dc,window>wn;
110823 x wz_control; Stop flicker IE 6 dr: align top for buts and dr; ditch "zoom:1;*display:inline" and make wz_dp a span (ie6/7 does support inline-block but only on ; IE wont allow A in BUT so isIE?: on Link. 
110824 XMLSerializer to get selHTM; del;
110831 whizzywig() & makeWhizzyWig() but problems source
110902 Return always starts a new para - but get extra BR in FF
110907 <= = => ; 


110908 CreateLink w/o selHTM; ctrls default & - ; simpler tbl() 111024 doDbl(); iH(); simpler tbl(); xp > xC; tr paragraph character; x bold italic bullet number; x source from default; clean x xmlns, x META; replace IMG src if node=IMG; 111025 clean x rep DOM; Capitalize alt; 111026 x font/span bug; htm.normalize(); btn colors; isFF, backcolor; removeformat x styles; paragraph/character>block/text; .wz_formatbar {display:none}>togg;le toolbar to active ed; 111027 doubleclick toolbar for full screen; unwys(ta.id)>textarea and wys(ta.id); Tested IE6, Chromium 14.0, Chrome 14.0, Firefox 3.6, Firefox 7.0.1, Safari + fix dbl click link bug. 111028 foc after full; fix align bug in clean; x selHTM in +form; id; CTRL+Shift+H 111030 fix cancel link 111031 CTRL+L,M,H,U; _.frm>img,a,tbl,insert; th; x src if !TA; 111101 min clean align; x ldMsg; 111102 Fix kb() for IE6; focus frm(); Remove img; Remove part of link/link from sel; 111104 x form inside form! 111107 wzbar_id, wzbox_id,force P+DIV>P >if(trl..)P; pass node or string to clean; txt2p in clean 111108 fixed bug P+ IE9 w data.match(/\S/);preserve rel address for images/linksWhizzywing Editor. 111109 Dropped ; logic in clean; BR\n; xStyle on CTRL+SP 111110 x _.rep; xStyle retains valid align[];fixed scroll bug fullscreen; fixed 'this' broke IE6;PUBLISHED 111111 bt[] e.g. _.bt.link=' to tailor std buttons 111116 Experiment:fontname, to insert arbitrary tags??? 111122 Ensure table cells have at least   fix resize bug(-fb.c[lientHeight]) 111207 Force P only if wn.wz_force_p 111208 cleanpaste(); abandoned wn.wz_force_p and code force P in clean(); 111213: kb: if(!e){e=wn.event} 120106 fix fullscreen: body overflow = hidden